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And then go to the disadvantages (why you shouldn't buy Nokia products):
Generally currently from Nokia products I can suggest only 3310/3315, 3410 (they have all access to Netmonitor), 3510 (no netmon), 6310i. All 3xxx seems to be continued the longest one. All other have in majority very similiar functions - many times the same firmware in different cover. If you have phone with MMS and color screen, wait - first Nokia models have probably many errors. You will also pay for name only. Wait to the moment, when prices will establish. Old models should be cheaper and maybe only one from old models will be for you - in new Nokia offer there won't be very probably cheap DCT3 phone with Java (like 3410), probably no more cheap phones with mono display and calendar/big phonebook (like 3510). For now I suggest Ericsson T68 family. When want use AT commands, buy Siemens product. My last comment: currently Nokia products don't have "something". Company works more and more like Microsoft and more and more old users don't like more and more solutions in products from it. People of course will buy these products...up to the first moment when will find something so functional...