Gdy na was patrzę (2019, ISBN 978-83-8189-313-8)

Submitted by marcin on Thu 07-Nov-2019

Czwarta kniga już gotowa, niechaj żyje nowomowa... Czwarta kniga już dostępna, cena w miarę też przystępna... Bo nie chodzi o profity, tylko natchnień ruch przyzwoity...

Książka ma prawie 300 stron i zbiera publikowane i niepublikowane wiersze z lat 2004-2019 (przy czym wszystkie zostały gruntownie przeredagowane).

Polski blog
książka 4
English blog

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Show me heaven

Submitted by marcin on Mon 09-Jun-2014

Hey baby, I need your hand,
help me and understand,
I'm frightened more than you,
though I'm barely touching you,
you've such amazing grace...

Hey baby, show me heaven today,
shake me like yesterday,
come over here above it all,
help me before next fall,
you've such amazing grace...

Hey baby, hold me so tight,
hold me morning, day, night,
I've shivers down my spine
and it feels so divine,
you've such amazing grace...

English blog
książka 4

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Barry White....

Submitted by marcin on Mon 31-Mar-2014

I will say yes to you,
but let me in thru
and let me just know,
that I can now come,

And I will love here
and make us hot there
and hold you in arms
with all your charms,

I will say yes to you,
but let me in thru
and let me just know,
that I can now come,

And I will kiss here
and feel you there
and hold you with arms
with all your charms,

I will say yes to you,
but let me in thru
and let me just know,
that I can now come,

English blog
książka 4

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